Searching Companies Worldwide : Tips

- There are 2 distinct search boxes : The top search box (Company name search) and the Advanced search box (includes all available search criteria).
- Always select a country first
- Start with fewer search terms
- Do not use too many criteria
- Contact us if you don't find what you are searching for : We can help
- Note : Down time for Database maintenance : GMT Sat 23:00 to Sun 18:00

Search with a company name
- USA and Canada : The State indicator is required
- If results are unsatisfactory, try alternate spellings
- Better indicates City rather than Adress or Postcode

Search with a DUNS Number
Type in 9 digits, no space or sign.
The D&B DUNS Number is a nine-digit number assigned to each business in the D&B database. This location-specific identifier can be compared to a worldwide unique numbering system. More than 200 millions entities are DUNS-Numberered.
An entity may be a headquarter or a branch (a secondary location for a given company).

Search with Local ID
Some countries have their own numbering system. Based on a registration process by a legal body (Trade Registry, Chamber of Commerce,...), this number is useful at identifying companies with great certainty.
Below are the numbers that can be used for finding companies. Note that these numbers may be also found in information reports.

Belgium : VAT number (9-13 digit)
France : Siren (9 digit) and Siret (14 digit) : RCS number
Germany : Handelsregisternummer HRB and HRA
Ireland : Irish CRO (Companies Registration Office) Number (6-12)
Italy    Chamber of commerce (CCIAA),Fiscal code, Vat Number
Luxembourg : RCS number starting with a "B"
Netherlands : Chamber of Commerce KvK Number
Portugal : Nº Registo Comercial
Spain : CIF for Companies and NIF for Individuals (proprietorship)
UK : UK CRO (Companies Registration Office) Number
Australia : Australian company number ACN

Examples of Information Reports
We sell documents and reports about all companies found online. If you do not find the company you are searching for (it happens in some countries), contact us.
Below is a list of information reports that may be available on companies. Please note availibility and content may differ according to country. Go to a company profile to check availability.

Company Verification    Identify a Company and its Location
Company Profile Basic Check with Key Facts and Data
Business Report    Verify a company risk and perform an analysis of its operations
Compact Report    Concise information for fast decision
Exhaustive Report    The most comprehensive, analytical report with historical background
Corporate Family Tree    Determine corporate structure and family members
Corporate Parents    Identify domestic and global parent companies of this business
Company D&B Rating    D&B Rating : financial strength and risk indicator
Company Financials    Key figures from financials accounts : assets, debt, net worth...