List of Corporate Headquarters in ODDER

Search a company in Denmark with your criteria (trade name, adress, Danish registry number...). provides business and credit information about Danish firms.
If your company is active in international trade, our service can bring you in-depth information about your customers, competitors or suppliers. Monitor their financial performance and credit score, check if there are pending legal suits or procedures (liquidation, insolvency,...).
Follow changes in legal forms, executives and legal representatives...

If you intend to initiate a search of business partners worldwide, you need to really know about your prospects. The Business report brings you this information : Danish register data, shareholders, corporate group structure worldwide will help you to grasp the real dimension of a company.
With the credit rating, specifically computed in Denmark, you will be able to compare and appreciate the credit-worthiness and the risk of failure of a Danish company.

Manpower Spil, Syng og Dans Danish Agency Global Service ApS Safety A/S Kab Service Egmont Højskolen T.P. Invest ApS Protruck A/S Actives Winther&Co I/S Finder ApS Nedergaard I/S Motorcompagniet Odder A/S Søren Degn Holding ApS Højrup IT Sonath ApS Rk Konstruktion Gert Jansen ApS Dinel A/S Hessellund El A/S Cl Company ApS M.Nissen ApS Østjysk Ventilation og Varmepumpe Service / Basis Børnetøj v/Annette Harding Nielsen Saks ApS Global Asset Management ApS Atimco ApS Pro-Wood A/S Filovision M2 Farver ApS Esport Odder Karakter Film Gylling Sogns Jagtforening Mal-Tek ApS Jurias ApS L.S. Construction ApS Kamstrup Holding, Kolding ApS Arp & Kamstrup ApS Nb Capital Invest ApS Asb Capital Invest ApS Hb Capital Invest ApS Pajbjergfonden Pajbjerg Holding ApS Dall Consult ApS Maskinstation Anders Hansen ApS Pb Boats ApS High Clouds Can Nordic Cars ApS Agrola ApS Fællesklubben Bording Books & Music Dahl Equity Holding ApS HT Ejendomme Odder ApS Claus Kjeldsen Odder Holding ApS Hydraulico A/S Aft1 Holding ApS Grand Oak ApS Grand Film Tid Til Hund Sjg Invest ApS Greenarc Odoo House ApS Int. Sales & Logistics I/S International Timber Trading ApS Trade By International ApS Enviroprocess Denmark A/S Jørn Blaabjerg Deko Plast Holding ApS Deko Plast ApS Aya Entertainment ApS Rgn Holding ApS Aktieselskabet af 18.5 1993 Colbo 1 ApS Axian Wineadvisor ApS Box Business ApS Nt Multiservice v/Nicolai Teilmann Dahl Equity Invest ApS Danwib ApS Brolægger Søren Lykke Hesselbjerg Hesselbjerg Mølle ApS Randlev Maskinstation v/Hesselbjerg Rathlouskolen Rathlousdal Skovdistrikt Organic Way ApS Holmelund Selandia ApS Zünd Skandinavien ApS Erik E Mortensen Rude Strand Consult ApS Heidi With Vækstzonen Ifu Music Unlimited Marselis Bådudstyr ApS Shap3d Søren Mikkelsen Byg & Invest ApS Christian Gregers Eriksen Stjerne Pizza v/Abdul Quadoss Safi Noel Projects Eyetravel ApS Shoebox A/S Ønskesmykker ApS Mikkelsen & Henneke ApS Fahrenheit Project ApS S&P Reinforcement Nordic ApS Simpson Strong-Tie A/S DK ApS Mosq Mosqito ApS Viden af Staal Daugaard Racing ApS Per Mortensen ApS Vognmand Per Mortensen Ex-Trade A.M.B.A. Tbh Holding ApS Kiropraktor Uhrenholt Holding ApS Exventar Expo ApS Festivalforeningen Tunø Jul Ejendomme Xsided ApS Under Konkurs Xsided Games ApS Slovakian Farm Invest A/S Conceptet ApS Troels Vinge Madsen N.R.E. Holding IVS Pog Holding ApS X-Link A/S Solaris ApS Odder Tømrer- og Snedkerforretning ApS Banegårdsgade 13 ApS Lsh-Biotech ApS Nettosten ApS Baun & Co. ApS Høyer Consult ApS Stenholt - Træning & Udvikling v/Ole Stenholt Mogens Meyer Holding ApS B. S. Byggeservice ApS Bs Byggeservice ApS Air Connection ApS Oneo ApS Anders Holm Kilsø ApS Eml ApS Wilkens Kørekort Tømrermester Ove Nilsson Anne-X v/Anne Blichfeldt Petersen 27/4-2015 ApS Frisør Merete Meyer Fuglsangsmøllen I/S Jens Jørgen Nielsen Rathlousdal Gods I/S v/Iver Edward Tesdorpf og Johan Peter-Henrik Tesdorpf Rbh Holding ApS Peter Bach Kresten Bjerg Damgaard Kresten Damgaard Mogens Møller Jensen 375 Holm v/Anders Holm Dyrlæge Karsten Holm Lybye Invest ApS Lillering Skov v/Ole Brøndum Buttle Eskildsen Holding ApS Beni Holding ApS Bent Sørensen Invest ApS Torrild VVS v/Kurt Møller Laursen Leif Møller Registreret Revisionsanpartsselskab Henrik Kristensen ApS E/F Nørregade 31 Flexservice v/Jan Rantala Erling Ekkenberg Hansen Boet Efter Niels Gaarde Gårdejer Jens Chr Jensen Udlejningsejendommen Jernaldervej 19, Odder Grundejerforeningen Åhaven 2-42 Entreprenørfirmaet Anders Hansen A/S Under Konkurs (opløst) Tandlæge Søren Schantz ApS Schantz, Strand & Schantz ApS Steen Hougaard Steffensen Holding ApS Firmagaveronline A/S Billedkunstner Finn Have Spot-On Björna ApS Danskoase 3d Printworld Demantpro Robma ApS Lemon Marketing Lemon Marketing ApS Groft Pandekagebilen v/Tina Sindberg Nielsen Signify Hydraulico Upgrade A/S Hydraulico Tech A/S Bjørgs Holding IVS Dl Golf v/Daniel Løkke Vikings Jewelry Denmark International, Falcon International - v/ Jan H. Wulff Autohuset Odder ApS Søren B. Kristensen Holding Odder ApS Murermester Poul Verner Kristensen ApS Multifix Karen Marie Jensen Ms Malerfirma ApS Gylling Auto ApS Den Norske Gartner Den Grå Gartner Protruck Ejendomme ApS Jm Invest Landbrug v/Poul Verner Kristensen Act ApS

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