Search Companies in Dubaï, Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Sharjah, Fujaïrah, Ras al-Khaïmah and Umm al-Quwaïn.

Obtain Credit Reports, Company Registry Filings and Records as well as Investigated Information about a Business in United Arab Emirates.

When searching for a company in the UAE the search engine covers Abu-Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, Umm al-Quwain. Around 350,000 companies are listed in the online database.
If you do not find the company you are looking for in our listings, please contact us : we can provide reports about any UAE business

Reports about companies in the UAE are based on Emirati Register filings and on investigation. Some 9000 UAE businesses have financial links worldwide.

With you can search companies in United Arab Emirates. We propose a broad range of documents intended to gain an accurate understanding of a business. If you need to identify a business or verify a company's existence in United Arab Emirates, obtain information sourced from Emirati company register. If you want to assess financial performance and creditworthiness we provide information you need : in-depth analysis or financial annual accounts. With more than 15 million company linkages, discover business structures, shareholders and subsidiaries in United Arab Emirates and worldwide.

Cities with most corporate headquarters :
Dubai   Sharjah   Abu dhabi   Dubai, u a e   Ajman   Ras al khaimah   Fujairah   Al ain   Deira   Umm-al-quawain  

List of main cities in United Arab Emirates sorted by search volumes