Search Thai Companies and Find Registry, Financial, Credit Information

Obtain Credit Reports, Company Registry Filings and Records as well as Investigated Information about a Business in Thailand.

Receive independent and reliable information reports about Thai firms on : Reduce credit risk and improve knowledge about your customers, suppliers, competitors in Thailand. is a pay-as-you-go, subscription-free service. propose valuable information to make the right business decision. Produced by Dun and Bradstreet as well as local sources, reports feature unbiased and independant information about businesses in Thailand and in Asia.
- If you do business in Thailand and you want to reduce commercial and financial risk, our range of reports can help you. Credit reports integrate information such as : Failure score, Credit-Worthiness rating and payment history.
- If you need to monitor and benchmark market competitors in Thailand, you will find commercial insight, financial data, shareholders and directors,...
- Increase sales opportunities within large corporate groups : with the family tree report, explore all linked firms worldwide.
- Collect facts and data about incorporation : Sourced from the Thai Company Register, identify legal representatives and directors, legal form, check filings, pending suits and litigation, defaults, bankruptcy...

If you are planning to file for a trademark or to register a new company name in Thailand it is a good idea to do preliminary worldwide screening in order to reduce the cost of an exhaustive search. We do the company name screening in 200 countries, contact us.

Cities with most corporate headquarters :
Muang   Bang rak   Bang lamung   Vadhana   Chatuchak   Pathum wan   Huai khwang   Bang kapi   Phra khanong   Khlong toei  

List of main cities in Thailand sorted by search volumes