List of Corporate Headquarters in DOORNIK

Search a company in Belgium with your criteria (trade name, adress, Belgian registry number...). provides business and credit information about Belgian firms.
If your company is active in international trade, our service can bring you in-depth information about your customers, competitors or suppliers. Monitor their financial performance and credit score, check if there are pending legal suits or procedures (liquidation, insolvency,...).
Follow changes in legal forms, executives and legal representatives...

If you intend to initiate a search of business partners worldwide, you need to really know about your prospects. The Business report brings you this information : Belgian register data, shareholders, corporate group structure worldwide will help you to grasp the real dimension of a company.
With the credit rating, specifically computed in Belgium, you will be able to compare and appreciate the credit-worthiness and the risk of failure of a Belgian company.

Scarpino Domenco Braquenier Joël Loison Georges Quintart J-L / George d Ass de Fait George Dominique C-O Tournai 1 duprez Gregory et Duprez DimitrI Biltresse Pierre Biltresse Jean Vangeneberg Gerard Vangeneberg Jean-Luc Bihr Damien Deremier Yvan Hennebert Michel Carin Ghislain Dhondt Alain Verdy Patrick Verdy Marc VERDY FRANCIS Dekeyser René Viaene Yves Desablens Jacques Morel Bernard Morel Jacques Morel Vincent Glorieux R F M D Impressions TVA T 1 Carette Damien Bol Jean Schoenmaeckers A Hovine Joseph Courcelle Paul L Armée De Marie Centre National de Belgique Het Leger van Maria Nationaal Centrum van Belgie Burgraeve Philippe Dupont Geoffroy Delaunois Jean-Claude Poppe Jean-Charles Descamps John Descamps Eric Delcampe Robert Guermyet Philippe Morvan NoÙlle Mathon Louis Opsommer Marc Stevens J c/o Tournai 2 phoenix Unit Pollet Bruno Voiturier B Voiturier Emile TVA Tournai 1 Lamontagne Philippe Soyez Christian Bemi Van Runckelen Christophe Chakri Hajiba eg Hanssens S Carpreau M François Jean Marie Catteau Michel Catteau Gabriel Garson Pascal Fadile-Alami Driss Bourbay Pierre C-of Tournai 1 Tedaldi M Oudin Philippe Dufour Paul Dervaux Jean-Michel Ménart Fernand Ménart Pierre Ménart Pascal Redey J Famenne-Box D'Haene Jacques Ec 1 Ec 3 EC 4 Ec 5 Delbar Daniel Bulazar Yakup c/o Off TVA 2 Mathys Roger Decourt Patrick Stocman Michel Arthur Jean Dequidt Sébastien Mailly Christophe Gatsby TVA Tournai 1 Lusicky Michel Roty Bernard Broquet-Ransquin André Aqtor! Medical Rollez Patrick Weytsman Arille Les Amis de la Cathedrale de Tournai Twilight Zone Art Gallery&Worksh Vanthuyne Dominique Bocquet Freddy Picard M Stawiacz André Stawiaz Jean-Marie Mme Poulaert Rose Marie Dufour Roger Hennequin Pierre Maquest Jacques Debetencourt Jean Debetencourt P Lamarque Ludovic Meys Abdon Leleu Francis Delcampe David Fourmanoir A Delmarle Lucien Dransart Dominique Bruneau André Henneton B Calonne Yves De Rouck Thierry Cardon Fabrice Menet Daniel Cardon René Cardon Gerard Cardon Joël Cardon Christian JALL Rachid Prevost Jocelyne Gardavoir Robert Dufour Raymond Antalys Thieffry Jacques Leblon Paulette Musin David Jean-Luc et Nicolas Defrenne Claes Gui Mahieu G Marquette Philippe Henri Marquette Lauréline Dubrulle Charles Crapanzano Laura Pret Brigitte Alfa Brokerage Gillart André Gillart Pascal Durot Christian Esquenet Vincent Groftembril J C O Tournai 3 DE HAAN JEAN-CHRISTOPHE Succession Droulez Roger Tommasetti Gianfranco Got Pierre Laute Albert Gorts Yves Neo Energy Construct Schoorens Patrick Lebrun Gerard Lebrun A Jacquery Philippe Biologie Medicale Struyven D'Heygere Francis Tuyttens Michel Vachaudez Pierre Thiebaut Julien Thiebaut Guy Thiebaut B C-O Tournai 1 Thiebaut Yves Thiébaut Marie-Chantal Henneghien Bruno Henneghien Jacques Allard Liliane Renard J Copenolle Guy Vanneste A Mullie Paulette Bray Michel Résidence Jeanne d'Arc Jamart Valéry Delehouzée C-O Tournai 2 Lechantre Alain Ponchau Dominique Delhaye M Vandenhemel Philippe Jean Dequin D Dequin Michel Emv-Industries Boutillier S - Figa B FV Detournay R The Prospectors Squad ASBL sig Idir Makhlouf Marquant Didier Carliez Charles Kimmes Jean-Marie Loiseau Jean-Marie Homerin Didier Benjelloun Nadia Renard Grégory/Cotva T3 Mary Jean Guy PHILIPPE DEBLIR BVBA Decottignies Pascal Hazebrouck Ives Lefebvre Jean Luc Gorts Bruno Persigand M C O Tournai 2 Roupin Therese-Marie Wuylens Vincent Cambier Oscar unicat-M Devaddere Vincent Couplet Dominique Orange Noire ASBL Les Muses ASBL Foucart Conrad Sintobin Catherine Maria

List of popular company searches in Belgium
Belgian companies members of a corporate family tree